
Urban Ascend

Hogan Certification

Urban Ascend now offering The Hogan Assessment certified training!

What Does Hogan Assessments Bring to You?

Predicting Workplace Performance:

Hogan simplifies the complexity of human behavior. They possess the insights to understand how individuals behave, ensuring alignment with your organization, meeting job requirements, and predicting performance outcomes. Their comprehensive personality assessment approach goes beyond the surface, aiding in the selection of the right employees, identifying and developing talent, and constructing stronger leaders.

Hogan’s Driving Force:

Hogan is fueled by the belief that success should be accessible to everyone. More than 50 years ago, Drs. Robert and Joyce Hogan challenged prevailing academic dogma. Inspired by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the founding of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, they showcased that personality predicts job performance without discrimination, unlike IQ.

A Legacy of Independence:

Since Hogan’s establishment in 1987, They have assessed over 11 million individuals globally. Hogan remains independent, staying true to their founding principles of social justice and using data-driven talent insights to help individuals and organizations succeed.

The Science of Personality in Action:

Harnessing the science of personality, Hogan addresses your everyday talent management challenges. In an unregulated assessment marketplace filled with solutions lacking psychometric foundations, Hogan stands out. They have earned a reputation for practicality, validity, and decades of experience.

Success for All:

Rooted in social justice and equal opportunity, Hogan is dedicated to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion. Their commitment ensures that success is not limited to a select few but extends to individuals and organizations striving for excellence.

Experience the Hogan Advantage – Where Science Meets Practicality for Inclusive Success.

Who We Are

Driven by the core purpose of helping people and organizations succeed using data-driven talent insights, we’re people who believe success should be accessible to all rather than a select few.

What We Do

We work to ensure our assessments perform as effectively as possible while reducing discrimination, and we advance diversity, equity, and inclusion through a multitude of projects.

What We Strive For

We acknowledge the limitations of the legal definitions of adverse impact and discrimination, and we are expanding our research to improve our ability to reduce discrimination.

Are you ready to decode the language of success?

CFE members receive a discount on basic Hogan Certification Workshop courses. Contact CFE for the discount code.

Why a Hogan Assessments and Urban Ascend Partnership Makes Sense:

1. Deep Insights for Coaches:

Hogan’s tools provide a deep understanding of an individual’s strengths, challenges, values, and potential derailing behaviors. For coaches at Urban Ascend, this knowledge can offer a foundational starting point to guide their coaching sessions.

2. Tailored Development Plans:

The results from Hogan Assessments can be used to tailor personal and professional development plans. Coaches can better assist individuals in leveraging their strengths and addressing potential blind spots or areas for growth.

3. Cultural and Organizational Alignment:

With MVPI, coaches can help ensure that individuals not only fit into Urban Ascend’s culture but also help the organization identify if shifts in culture or team dynamics are necessary for long-term success.

4. Enhanced Credibility:

Partnering with a recognized name like Hogan can increase the credibility of Urban Ascend’s coaching offerings. Clients and organizations often look for evidence-based tools when investing in professional development.

5. Data-Driven Approach:

In today’s business world, data-driven decisions are becoming more of a norm. Hogan Assessments provide quantifiable metrics and insights that Urban Ascend can use to showcase the value of its coaching services.

6. Continuous Learning:

By integrating Hogan Assessments, Urban Ascend can keep its coaches updated with the latest tools and methodologies in the realm of personality and professional assessment, ensuring that their approach remains modern and relevant.

7. Improved Client Retention and Satisfaction:

Providing tangible, actionable insights can lead to higher satisfaction rates among clients. When individuals see measurable growth and understanding, they are more likely to engage in longer-term coaching relationships.

Overview of Certification Offerings

WHO: 30 individuals in a virtual setting per cohort

WHEN: April 23rd-26th 2024

What to Expect:
Hogan will conduct a private certification workshop focused on the interpretive aspects of 3 core Hogan assessments. The workshop will include certification to use the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), Hogan Development Survey (HDS), and Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI). Upon completion, participants will be certified to interpret and use the full suite of Hogan assessments. This workshop includes:

Required Pre-Work:

  • Hogan Assessment: each participant completes the full suite of assessments: HPI, HDS & MVPI
  • Assessment Debrief: prior to the workshop, each participant schedules a 60-minute, 1:1 debrief with a Hogan expert to review personal assessment results
  • Web-based Pre-Workshop Learning Module: ~1-2 hour online learning module

Introductory Call & Certification Workshop:
1-hour introductory session followed by four half-day virtual training event

  • You must have your webcam on for the entire training, as this is a highly interactive session
  • We will be presenting a PowerPoint within the meeting, so joining this session from a computer rather than a mobile device is highly encouraged

Sample agenda provided below

  • Intro Call: Introductions
  • Day 1: Assessment Foundations & HPI
    Homework: HDS video and worksheet
  • Day 2: HPI Cont’d and HDS
    Homework: MVPI tweets
  • Day 3: MVPI
    Homework: Pin the Tail on the Configuration
  • Day 4: Delivering Feedback and Practice Feedback Session

Post-Workshop Test: Test of understanding (untimed, open-book) completed online following course

Survey: Help us improve by completing a short survey about your training experience

Certificate: Following successful completion of all steps listed above, you will be issued a certificate showing proof of Hogan accreditation

  • CE credits available upon request (APA, ICF, HRCI, and/or SHRM)

Hogan’s foundational certification workshop qualifies professionals to administer our assessments. This course teaches the interpretation and application of Hogan’s three core personality assessments:

  • Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)
  • Hogan Development Survey (HDS)
  • Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI)

Designed to challenge and change the way you think about human nature, leadership, and performance, this workshop will help you understand the fundamentals of personality, learn to interpret assessment results, and gain practice in delivering feedback to assessment takers. Join us to find out why more than two-thirds of Fortune 100 companies are Hogan certified!


What a great mix of the science and the human insight that makes the assessment tools come alive, enriching discussion and understanding.”
Joanne Tornos

Vice President of Global Talent, Estee Lauder

Value: $2,750

CFE Price: $2,337

Are you ready to decode the language of success?

CFE members receive a discount on basic Hogan Certification Workshop courses. Contact CFE for the discount code.

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